Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

GT Elfic (Labex DigiCosme, 2014–2016):

“Programmes d’éléments finis formellement vérifiés”, with Toccata (Inria Saclay - Île-de-France), CEA LIST , LIPN (Université de Paris 13), and LMAC (Université de Technologie de Compiègne).

The research on a posteriori error estimates, unified frameworks, robustness, adaptivity, and stopping criteria of M. Vohralík was carried out with Alexandre Ern from CERMICS , Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, see [14] , [24] .

A posteriori error estimates for eigenvalue problems were derived in collaboration with Geneviève Dusson , Yvon Maday , and Benjamin Stamm from the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions and Eric Cancès , CERMICS , see [21] and [22] .

A posteriori error estimates for problems with sign-changing coefficients describing electromagnetism for interfaces between dielectrics and negative metamaterials have been derived in collaboration with P. Ciarlet from the project-team Poems , see [23] .